Using microorganisms to clean up petroleum and VOC contamination,
respond to soil and groundwater contamination, and remediate wastewater

BioRangers, Inc.

HOME > Services > Treatability Testing

Treatability Testing

Prior to making a decontamination proposal, we undertake a strict verification regimen to ensure effectiveness of the biopreparation.

Service Description

Before undertaking decontamination work, BioRangers performs its Treatability Testing to confirm that its biopreparation will be effective for the task at hand.

To do this, we have the customer send us a sample of the soil or water to be decontaminated. We then test the Oppenheimer Formula complex biopreparation on the sample to confirm that it will be effective in breaking down the contaminants present. Performing tests ahead of time allows us to propose the most effective remediation approach. Testing requires little time and cost, and we invite those considering remediation to let us assist in determining whether it is a practical option.

Swift Test Results Test results are returned 1-3 weeks after sample is received.

Greater Reliability Confirming biopreparation effectiveness ahead of time enables remediation work customers can rely on.

Economical Testing By providing us with a sample of the soil or water to be decontaminated, customers can have us perform remediation testing for little cost.

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Service Flow

Once we receive a sample of the soil or water to be decontaminated, we perform decomposition testing with the Oppenheimer Formula. Results are reported back to customers within 1-3 weeks of our receiving the sample. If test results indicate the biopreparation was effective on the sample tested, we put forth a concrete remediation plan.

Oppenheimer Formula Oppenheimer Formula


Send Sample

Sample of the soil or water to be decontaminated

Decomposition Testing

Decomposition test of the Oppenheimer Formula on the sample received

Test Report

Report on decomposition effectiveness

Effective, Not Effective

Develop Remediation Plan
If effectiveness is indicated, a remediation plan is proposed.

Consider Other Options
If effectiveness is not indicated, attention will turn to other options.

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Testing Overview

  Soil Contamination Wastewater
Required sample Contaminated soil (1-2kg) Wastewater (500ml)
Test results  As little as 1 week (Every effort is made to meet customer requests) As little as 3 days (Every effort is made to meet customer requests)
Analytical method Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon GC method Confirm microorganism reproduction (Visual observation of sludge generation, SV30)
Observation of changes in odor and color (transparency)
Other options include the performance of analyses employing government-specified methods (Separate charge)
Report timing 2 weeks (Depending on time needed for testing) 2 weeks (Depending on time needed for testing)

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